#get etf data from http://www.sectorspdr.com/sectorspdr/
tickers<- c="" p="">sectorNames <- c="" discretionary="" nbsp="" onsumer="" p="" staples=""> "Energy", "Financials", "Health Care", "Industrials",
"Materials", "Information Technology", "Utilities", "Index")
etf_ticker_sectors <- data_frame="" p="" sectornames="" tickers="">
#check data
# # A tibble: 10 × 2
# tickers sectorNames
# 1 XLY Consumer Discretionary
# 2 XLP Consumer Staples
# 3 XLE Energy
# 4 XLF Financials
# 5 XLV Health Care
# 6 XLI Industrials
# 7 XLB Materials
# 8 XLK Information Technology
# 9 XLU Utilities
# 10 SPY Index
#calculate weekly return
sector_weekly_returns <- function="" p="" tickers="">
#download data
symbols <- auto.assign="TRUE," getsymbols="" tickers="" warnings="FALSE)</p">
#get only close price
prices <- cl="" do.call="" function="" get="" lapply="" merge="" p="" symbols="" x="">
#calculate weekly log-based return using a function, periodReturn()
weekly_returns <- do.call="" lapply="" merge="" nbsp="" p="" prices=""> function(x) periodReturn(x, period = 'weekly', type = 'log')))
#Change the column names to the sector names from our dataframe above.
colnames(weekly_returns) <- div="" etf_ticker_sectors="" sectornames="">
weekly_returns = sector_weekly_returns(tickers)
# 2008-10-10 -0.2205639196
# 2008-10-17 0.0518524493
# 2008-10-24 -0.0684872067
# 2008-10-31 0.1065890897
# 2008-11-07 -0.0311525633
# 2008-11-14 -0.0802735506
# 2008-11-21 -0.0855222458
# 2008-11-28 0.1248006016
#get rolling correlation between sector etf and s&p 500 etf
sector_index_correlation <- function="" p="" window="" x="">
#merge return of sector and s&p500
merged_xts <- merge="" ndex="" p="" weekly_returns="" x="">
#calculate rolling correlations using rollapply()
#pairwise.complete.obs automatically removes NA
merged_xts$rolling_cor <- merged_xts="" nbsp="" p="" rollapply="" window=""> function(x) cor(x[,1], x[,2], use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
by.column = FALSE)
names(merged_xts) <- c="" correlation="" ector="" p="" returns="">
#use a created function we made above
IT_SPY_correlation <- p="" sector_index_correlation=""> weekly_returns$'Information Technology', 26)
#draw graph using Dygragh
dygraph(IT_SPY_correlation$'Sector/SPY Correlation', main = "Correlation between SP500 and Tech ETF") %>%
dyAxis("y", label = "Correlation") %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 20) %>%
# Add shading for the recessionary period
dyShading(from = "2007-12-01", to = "2009-06-01", color = "#FFE6E6") %>%
# Add an event for the financial crisis.
dyEvent(x = "2008-09-15", label = "Fin Crisis", labelLoc = "top", color = "red")
weekly_returns = sector_weekly_returns(tickers)
# 2008-10-10 -0.2205639196
# 2008-10-17 0.0518524493
# 2008-10-24 -0.0684872067
# 2008-10-31 0.1065890897
# 2008-11-07 -0.0311525633
# 2008-11-14 -0.0802735506
# 2008-11-21 -0.0855222458
# 2008-11-28 0.1248006016
#get rolling correlation between sector etf and s&p 500 etf
sector_index_correlation <- function="" p="" window="" x="">
#merge return of sector and s&p500
merged_xts <- merge="" ndex="" p="" weekly_returns="" x="">
#calculate rolling correlations using rollapply()
#pairwise.complete.obs automatically removes NA
merged_xts$rolling_cor <- merged_xts="" nbsp="" p="" rollapply="" window=""> function(x) cor(x[,1], x[,2], use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
by.column = FALSE)
names(merged_xts) <- c="" correlation="" ector="" p="" returns="">
#use a created function we made above
IT_SPY_correlation <- p="" sector_index_correlation=""> weekly_returns$'Information Technology', 26)
#draw graph using Dygragh
dygraph(IT_SPY_correlation$'Sector/SPY Correlation', main = "Correlation between SP500 and Tech ETF") %>%
dyAxis("y", label = "Correlation") %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 20) %>%
# Add shading for the recessionary period
dyShading(from = "2007-12-01", to = "2009-06-01", color = "#FFE6E6") %>%
# Add an event for the financial crisis.
dyEvent(x = "2008-09-15", label = "Fin Crisis", labelLoc = "top", color = "red")
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